Sunday, May 26, 2013

Life changes.

We are infants when we come into the world. We grow-physically, mentally and emotionally. We embrace youth and carry with us certain impressions into our adulthood.  We earn, spend, enjoy, save and take on different roles in life.

Moments come and go. Our ambitions change. Our perspectives change. Our definitions of happiness and success change. Our most precious possessions change. Our ways of living change.

Changes are inevitable.
They are big. They are small. 
They are comfortable. They are uncomfortable.
Some of them- we store them and cherish them in photos- graduation, job, first salary, promotions, wedding, anniversaries, children and so on. They are the big, defined, celebrated moments.
Some of them- we don’t even realize at that point that they are changing us. They come unannounced. They tiptoe into our lives silently. Nonetheless, their effects are huge and pronounced.

I have attempted to put down some of the not-so-celebrated moments.

Some of them are idle moments-

When you are sitting with a cup of coffee near the window thinking about the choices that you have made in life so far.
When you are listening to a melody which reminds you of your college times and the passion that you had then.
When you are watching a video in which a character that is so much like you but is doing so much that you want to do.
When you are explaining the quote ‘You have to be the change that you want to see in this world’ to your nephew.

Sometimes, it is those soft moments-

When you have had a really bad day and a hug from a beloved one melts away all your stress.
When you are on the losing side of life but get to sleep in your mother’s lap to realize that you still have all that you need to fight and survive.
When you are being blamed for a wrong that you did not do and your partner holds your hand firm and tight to say that they are there with you.
When you are in a moral dilemma about a certain big decision to make and you look into your child’s playful eyes and know what the right thing to do is.

Sometimes the insightful ones-

When you are thinking about your deepest desires…hidden somewhere deep in your heart.
When you make a promise to yourself to go after what you want from life no matter what.
When the realization that life is just this once hits you right in the heart.
When the consciousness that you can make a mark in it if you try gets alive and kicking.

Sometimes the very powerful ones-

When the idea that the person with the greatest power to bring about a change in your life is you yourself takes the prime place in your way of life.
When you understand that with each day, you are actually getting closer to death. And so, you should not be spending away your minutes, hours and days so casually here and there.
When you realize after a near-death experience- what is going to matter in the end is the amount of love and goodwill you spread.
When you truly appreciate the fact that with your death, a lot about you will fade away, what will stay behind is what difference you made.

Our life is often shaped by how we take on in these moments. How we live with and after them. Let us embrace the only thing constant in life - Change.
Would love to know what you think about it. Please put in your thoughts in the comments :)