Monday, August 22, 2011

The Ups And Downs....

There comes a time in life…

When all songs appeal to your heart…

When colors call you to play with them…

When the world seems all new and bright…

Often…the reason is love they say…

Well…I agree and disagree…

The reason can be love…love for a person or for a dream…

Love creates passion and enthusiasm…That gives hope to heart…

Hope of all dreams close to heart coming true…

And it is this hope that makes the whole world come alive…

They say all this happens with everyone who is young…

And that falls in line…the youth is the age of first love…

The youth is the age of dreams and ambitions…

Then there also comes a time…

When the songs stop appealing any more to your senses…

When the colors are just a part of a big mosaic…unable of invoking any special emotion…

When the world seems all drab and dull…

Age often shows all these signs…

Is it because people mature?

Is it because people learn the hard ways of life?

Or is it because as people age, they stop daydreaming…and have more real life tensions than beautifully colored dreams?

A heart break can make a cheerful, outgoing person crawl inside himself for a long time…

That is the effect of things close to heart going wrong…

It takes a lot of courage on that person’s part to fall in love again…

The same is true for dreams and passions…

If the dream gets severely hurt, it takes a lot of time to build up passion to pursue that dream again…

It takes huge courage to nurture more dreams after that…

When dreams break, the heart is shattered and those wounds can really hurt deep…

May be that makes the heart stop and let go of its dreams…

And begin to take life as it comes…without any fights…

Too many things in life then become compromise than choice…

That is when the songs stop appealing…

That is when the colors get washed away…

That is when the carefree smile gets replaced by approved gestures and constrained expressions…

And all this…

The rise and fall of those strong feelings…

They say….is the way of life…