I dreamt you were missing
And I was so scared
But no one would listen
No one really cared
After my bad dream,
I woke up with a jolt
Thinking all about you,
It came to me like a bolt
You do so much for me
What do I do for you
You shower care and affection
Do I really do the same for you?
I don’t really want to hurt you
But I keep doing it then and now
My spirit is so impulsive
I am trying to calm myself down
I am here, but not for ever
I’ll be gone, soon, that’s for sure
What I want to assure is
To leave behind memories dear
You always hide the hurt
That keeps burning in your heart
I wish to
make you happy
My time with you is really short
When I finally leave
Don’t be too sad
May be I am like a dewdrop
There for a time too tad
The smile which plays on your face, when we are
together…let it be always there.
The joy which is there in your heart, when you
hold me in your eyes…let it always stay.
You see, I can’t be who you are
I can’t be there forever
It’s in my fate, death is near
Though I want to leave you never
Yes, I am strong
When you look on the surface
It’s not so all the way through
I am scared to be alone too
But, I know that I’ll live in you
In a way
you don’t know now
And you’ll live in me too
Luckily, I can’t explain how.
The universe has many things
Which are beyond our grasp
When my time comes near,
My goodbye will be that task
Whenever you’ll feel low,
Take some of our memories
Hold them close to your heart
And they will blow soft kisses
in your dreams
I’ll answer in your heartfelt silence
Somewhere in your sadness
I’ll be your smile when you’d be tense
For there are no accidents
We all meet and depart for a reason
They may not be clear now
Let’s wait for the right season.
Till you get all your answers,
The serenity which you have in your soul, when
we are together…I pray it be always there.
The harmony which you have in your heart, when
you caress me lovingly…I pray it be always there.