Monday, March 12, 2012

There is nothing that I want as much as I want you...

There is nothing that I want as much as I want you...
What can I do to make you mine…

How I wish you would understand this...
How I wish you could see all the love in my heart…
How I wish you could feel the warmth of my care…
How I wish you would embrace all my love for you...

I promise I’ll never leave you
I promise I’ll never cheat you
I promise I’ll never steal your wings
I promise I’ll let you be as you like to be

I promise we’ll make up after every fight
I promise we’ll be there always for each other
I promise we’ll bear it it good or bad
I promise we’ll be happy together

I assure you’ll be my sweetheart all my life
I assure you my love for you will last forever
I assure that this is not something that will fade away after sometime
I assure you that this is the season of love which will last for a lifetime

I assure you all your wounds will heal
I assure you your smile would be back
I assure you all will be wonderful and fine
I assure you your life will turn happy again

How I wish you could read this all this hidden in my heart...
How I wish you drown in my eyes like I do in yours...
How I wish we travel together...on this path of life...
How I wish we be together, then fight, and then be together all again :)

How do I tell you that you are the one for me
I know that you keep saying that you are not perfect
How do I tell you that along with your perfection
Your imperfection  plays a role in making you perfect for me

How I wish you accept my love...
Once and for all...
How I wish we be together...
Forever and ever...

Oh…I really wish you could see that...
There is nothing that I want as much as I want you...

P.S The above is a work of fiction blended with imagination :)