Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What Matters Most...

The journey of love is not always smooth.
It has those small obstructions of fights, some obstacles of misunderstanding...
It has some disagreements, some fusses, some fumes...
But what matters is after all these quirks and foibles, true love gets back together.
Coz it is love that matters more...much more than any of the trifle things like above.

An article dedicated to the above emotion :)

What Matters Most...

In my flurry and angry moments,
Sometimes I shout too harsh on you...
Unknowingly or knowingly,
Sometimes I end up hurting you too...

Sometimes, I really disappoint you
By my words and actions...
Sometimes, I may even offend you
Your dreams and emotions...

But I really mean it when I say sorry
I try to make up to you too...
I really keep hoping you’ll forgive me for
All the hurtful things I do...

You see, it’s a mutual thing
We hold the most in our hearts for each other...
Yet, we can leave the other empty handed
When they need something so much...

But beyond all this,
Is the love and care we feel for each other…
How we hold each other through everything
Be it good or bad, smooth or rougher…

That’s the reason and rhyme
That even though we may stay away for a while…
We do get back together every time
Like the stars and the night, dark as Nile…

You mean so much to me
I don’t ever want to lose you…
You have a place so deep in my soul
Life is not worthwhile without you…

So yes,
It’s true that
I hurt you and
You hurt me...

What’s truer is that
I love you and
You love me...


  1. what matters most ?? A question which girls confront always :D

  2. hi ankita,for the 1st time i have read ur blogs & i must tell u dat u r a wonderful writer....keep it up.do update us with ur blogs...tc

    1. Hi Darshana, feeling good to know that you like dmy artciles :)
      Thanks! Hows you? Where are you these days?
