Tuesday, October 11, 2011

This One is To Friendship!

Each one of us has friends…some have few…some have many.

Friends touch our lives in one way or the other…and thus they add new colors to the palette of life…And like all colors make a picture colorful,each friend adds a special flavour…

Recounting some of them here…

One…who lights up your workplace…with his calm and helpful attitude…with a nice smile to light up the days you have too much work…

One…who you tease and by whom you get teased a lot…the major time of your meetings passes in pulling each other’s’ legs…

One…who you meet in the bus/train/signal…the encounter includes just a smile and a hi…

One…who is absolutely your best friend…anything and everything special that happens…the first one with whom you want to share it all with…

One…who has been your eternal company…be it shopping, outings, walks in the evening…even the maggi at 2 am…

One…who is practical and very sane…whom you turn to when you need some sound advice…

One…who speaks less…but is a great listener…

One…who has the most charming smile you have ever known…who can actually make the entire room light up with his smile…

One…who is the most innocent and childlike…at whom you laugh a lot…

One…who is the coolest person you have ever known…the one you know can tell you how to take it light however bleak the fight may be…

One…who can listen to all your stories and can tell his own…and enjoy every moment of it…

One…who epitomizes fun and excitement…the life of every party…the all-time gracious host…

One…who is a music or a sports or a novel freak…and will pull you with him to the match out on the grounds or the music concert somewhere or every bookshop you cross…

One…who has an exceptional talent in some field…be it singing, dancing, writing, playing guitar, swimming, badminton, sports champ, anything…and you really adore that…

One…who is super sweet…and adds a honeyed flavour to every situation…

One…who you think might be busy…so you don’t call him up…whereas at the other end, the idiot is thinking on the same lines…

One…whom you don’t hesitate to call even in the middle of the night if your heart is feeling super low…coz you know he’ll come to meet you as soon as he can without any harassing questions…

One…who has not had a chat with you since a long time…but you know you can call him up anytime…even now…and barring a few swear words in the beginning, have a heart-to-heart chat without any serious complaints…

One…who meets you in few and far between times…but you share your important decisions and views…intellectual buddies…

One…who is living very far away…but his memories come by often and fills your heart with nostalgia…who symbolizes the quote… “The good old times…”

One…with whom you can share an entire afternoon…without really talking much…just listening to some classy music (that you both love)…and feel that you had a great time…

One…who has taught you what passion means…who has gone beyond daily life troubles and duties to pursue his passion…

One…who has altered the principles of your life…who has affected you so deeply that your mind spells respect whenever his memory comes by…

One…who has taught you what it means to be happy…one who has made you feel alive and very full of life and love…

One…who has seen your tears…and not laughed at them…but sat beside you till you felt ok…and then taken you out for an ice-cream(or a drink(guys!))…

One…who has stood by you…when you were facing the darkest periods of your life…

One…who has been there…when you screwed up something really big really badly…and then also helped you clear all the mess and help you jump back…

One…who encourages you in your dreams…tells you that you can achieve them all…and promises to stay by your side whatever may happen…

One…who you know that you can trust with your life…no matter what…

One…who is living a life you dream of…and you hope to see yourself there too…and you are so proud of him…

One…whom you have not really said…but you wish to…that you love him a lot…you have shouted at him…even kicked him…but in your silent moods….you have absolutely loved him…

The list does not end here…I am sure each one of us can add to it…I request you to add to the above. Remember the quote “Friends are the family we choose for ourselves” :)And it’s a nice co-incidence…my colleague’s cell just rang… The ringtone says…“Kyun ki har ek friend zaroori hota hai!” :)