Saturday, May 7, 2011


I love to hear you...
when you say that enthusiastic hi when you pick my call...
when your voice so nicely says that you are coming to meet me...
when your voice is soft coz u have been thinking about me...
when your voice is so full of affection when you have been missing me...:)

I love to see you...
when you look all so dashing in your cool tshirt-and-jeans look...
when you look all so royal and handsome in formals...
when you look all so cute and yet smart in semi formals...
when you smile that all-so-endearing smile...

when you are sitting with a group..
and still manage to give me a special smile...
when you are busy but still take out time for me...
when you so nicely cherish me in front of your friends and mine...
and when you come to meet me coz u have been missing me...:)

I love being with you...
when you are super excited and happy...
when you are tense or worried..
when you are a bit angry...
when you are a bit too tired after a long day...:)

when you ride your bike so smoothly...
when you look at your cricket bat so adoringly…

I love to listen to you...
when you talk about your dreams...
when you talk about your fears and anticipation
when you are in your soft contemplative mood...
when you are worried and really anxious...

I love it...
when you express all your love so beautifully...
when you call me by so many beautiful names...
when you bear with my craziness...
when you love all that madness...

when you blow my hair...
when you hold my hand..
when you do all those small beautiful things....

I so much love it..
when you realize just by reading my messages that i am nervous...
when you call me instantly when you realize that something is wrong with me..
when you come to meet me as soon as you know that i need you...
when you give me a tight hug..

when you stay with me till I feel ok again...
when you take me out to make me feel better about myself...
when you say that I can achieve my dreams...
when you show all the belief and confidence in me...
when you look at me with that glitter in your eyes...

I love every...every small thing about you..
I love all your moods and ways...
I love everything that you do and say..
:) :) :)


  1. beautifully much lovely thoughts and feelings...

  2. gr8 work....greatly expressed,,,:)

  3. nyc writing ankita.... :) :)
    way to go... but koi toh hai jiske liye ye likha hai.... :)

  4. @Shilpa and Shubh...Thank u so much..:)
    @Aaroh,Thanks a lot fr the compliment...n lemme clear..the above series is a work of pure fiction and any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely co-incidental:) :) :)
