Thursday, August 26, 2010


I have a friend….

Disha…a nice sweet docile girl…comes from a very cultured and strict family…we have become pretty good friends…college does that to you…you become very good friends with people around you…

Disha is very patient and very hardworking…she has a great sense of responsibility and dedication towards everything she does…and her parents mean the world to her…she aims to complete her education and then join a job and make life happier for her parents…they are a family of modest means…her father’s health is very weak…they live a decent life…but not a luxurious one…and this very thoughtful friend of mine wishes to give all the happiness in the world to her parents…a gem of a daughter for sure…

Her parents mean everything to her…she is ready to do everything for them…she is ready to forget her love for them…

You see, she is in love with a guy…a good cultured person he is…Rahul…he loves her deeply too…they both love to spend time with each other…n would love to spend their lives too..But sadly...they know they can’t…

The Reason…Disha’s parents don’t approve of him...the only reason is that they are not of the same caste…

Disha and Rahul are childhood sweethearts…they liked each other a lot…were great friends and still are…and Disha is such a very caring and sweet girl that he had to fall for her…N when he expressed his love for her for the first time, Disha knew it was true and deep…and she expressed her feelings for him too…but they both very well knew that their caste difference would bring some problems…but they thought that maybe they would sort them out…

Rahul’s parents approve of Disha…they like her serene nature…her blend of modern progressiveness and traditional outlook…well educated…Rahul’s mother had even said that no other girl would be as good as Disha for her son…

But very sadly…Disha’s parents didn’t approve at all…the caste issue matters a lot when it comes to a girl’s family’s reputation…so they have flatly said NO …

After this, you would expect Disha to be all broken apart and in tears…but no…she is really very strong…she must have cried…but she didn’t break apart…she respects her parents way too much to ever hurt them…she knows and understands now that no matter how much she may love Rahul…she won’t be able to spend her life with him…they still meet sometimes…and spend time with each other…but both of them know that they won’t be able to marry each other…

Disha cannot hurt her parents by going against their wish…she spends whatever time she can with Rahul knowing that they will soon be separated…Rahul is also completely aware of all these things…he often prays to God that if they have to be separated, Disha stay happy and protected forever…he has also accepted his defeat after trying to convince Disha’s parents…

People often talk of love…but sometimes I just wonder...people who have not experienced love feel that they have missed out hugely on life and wait to fall in love…but how must it feel to have love in your life and know that you won’t be able to live together…?

Disha loves her parents…she is ready to do all that it takes to make her parents happy…sometimes it makes me wonder…that she is so loving and caring…if they fulfill this one most important wish of hers…she would be grateful to them the whole of her life…she would serve them with even more happiness and contentment…that a daughter deserves this from her parents…that a girl as her surely deserves her love….

Parents love their children deeply...They would love to see their daughter happy...Then the age-old customs also matter a lot for the family reputation…they also have the best interests of the family at large...

Life is indeed strange...Disha is not wrong in her place...and her parents are right in their position...

My heart reaches out to her deeply…Disha has a smile etched on her face …But I wonder how much a smile can hide…?


  1. @Disha: hey disha first of all i feel very bad abt ur love and very good abt ur sacrifacation. But ur friend ankita is talking only abt ur sacrification and blaming (nt actually blaming bt complaining) to ur parents they dont hv any respect of ur emotions and happiness. bt accourding to me they r very correct at their position becoz nw we can only think about our own lives, feelings emotions love and all... our parents hv also gone from these situations and conditions....they know abt wht they r doing... I jst want to say here in small worlds tht parents will first look for reputations and status and "izzat" in our society....thn and thn only abt happiness of our child.... and we should appretiate their decisions with positive compliments......anyway at last alws give first preference to our parents only then to other things....becoz they are more than luck for ur life Disha :) :)

  2. @Prathamesh,i appreciate ur viewpoint completely..n even i understand the parents' not really blaming them...i knw they are right in their part..n i also believe that parents' decisions are to be respected...
    m just trying to put forward how life brings strange situations...

  3. Well i really liked all your blogs. You really are a deep thinker didi. Now I want to write a blog. I am seriously waiting for more of your blogs.

  4. @Karishma,Thanks a lot for the beautiful compliment...n yeah,do start blogging...its a good way to put down your thoughts...
