Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I Am...

Each one of us contains multitudes.
Many emotions, many thoughts, many sentiments.

This article celebrates that essence.
Dedicated to each one of us...

I am everything.
I am nothing.

I am the tears which slide down when I am in pain.
I am the courage who wipes them and consoles myself.

I am the one who wakes up in the middle of nights when I am tense.
I am the one who assures myself and puts my mind back to sleep.

I am the one who stays alone wishing someone would be there to hold me tight.
I am the one who holds myself and becomes all that I wish for to be with me.

I am the heart who longs for my dreams to come true.
I am the head who plans to make those dreams come true.

I am the hands which fold up in prayer.
I am the hands which work all day.

I am my doubt about being able to do something worthwhile in life.
I am my confidence which rationalizes with my doubts.

I am the one who speeds on my bike so that I can feel the gush of wind through my hair.
I am the one who tells myself to keep myself steady and avoid being reckless.

I am the weakness which stops me from doing all that I can.
I am the power which makes me do things I think I cannot.

I am the spirit which loves to be in wonderful company.
I am the essence which understands and appreciates solitude.

I am the belief that this world is a wonderful place to live in.
I am the conviction that I can make it better by some good actions of mine.

I am the smile which lights up in happiness.
I am the laughter that doubles up the happiness.

I am the innocence when you look at me with love.
I am the danger when you look at me the way you shouldn't.

I am the kid when my parents and elders believe in me.
I am the grown up when things need to be taken care of in charge.

I am the fire when you look into my eyes in passion.
I am the cool pond when you tell me your worries and concerns.

I am the calm when storm strikes.
I am the storm when the calm might be wrong.

I am all that you can see.
I am beyond what you can perceive.

I am the mystery.
I am the answer.

I am the paradox.
I am the irony.

I am the complication.
I am the simplicity.

I am all that I like to be.
I am yet to be all that I want to be.

I am similar to you.
I am very unique.

I am everything.
I am still not all.


  1. Simply awesome!!! Loved it! :D n love ya ;)

  2. Nice perspectives... Really good writing... :)

    1. Thanks a lot Vishu :)Feeling great to see your comment on my posts after a long time :)

  3. Great words put together... This one is seriously amazing....
    The new look of the Blog is also nice especially the Droplets :)

    1. Thanks Mikeel :) And about the new look, even I like the droplets :)
