Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mind And Heart

A young girl is in love. Her Prince Charming loves her too. Their love is blissful, peaceful and serene. But not all love stories have a happy ending. They know that they are close to that point in life is close to separation when they will have to separate. As she prepares herself to embrace the harsh destiny of life, she faces her fears and sadness. Her mind and heart pull her in opposite directions. It is a strange crossroad… when the heart is surrounded by its fears and the mind is making an attempt to handle them rationally.

Mind And Heart

My mind tells me its not wise to fall so deeply in love….

But deep inside, my heart wants to drown itself in this ocean….

My mind tells me not to make so many sweet memories,

But deep inside, my heart wants to live these moments as much as I can…

My mind tells me its not wise to long so much for you,

But deep inside, my heart wants to keep doing just that…

My mind tells me not to express my love so much to you,

But deep inside, my heart wants to pour out all its love on you…

My mind tells me its weird to keep missing you so much,

But deep inside, my heart knows that it can’t help doing that…

My mind tells me that sometimes, love comes in your life just to go away,

But deep inside, my heart wants to hold onto you…forever and ever…

My mind tells me that I should behave practically…the way you like me,

But deep inside, my heart wants to tell you I am just as emotional…

My mind tells me that I know I should learn to take it in my stride,

But deep inside, my heart cries every time I think of that…

My mind tells my heart that its ok, that all will be well,

But deep inside, my heart says that NO, its no going to be that easy…

My mind tells me that all this is a part of life,

But deep inside, my heart is very afraid of this part…

My mind tells me that life will become alright all over again,

But deep inside, my heart is mightily afraid of when that will happen…

My mind tells my eyes to try to hide my tears,

But deep inside, my heart sobs…sometimes uncontrollably…

My mind tells me not to let you know all this pain in my heart…

But deep inside, my heart wants to cry on your shoulders…

My mind tells me not to tell you that I love you more than my life,

But deep inside, my heart wants to shout out that to you…

You see…

Deep inside, I am just a normal girl…

And I am so very afraid of losing you…


  1. P.S. The above is a work of pure fiction. Any resemblance to real life is purely co-incidental and unintentional.

  2. I felt the mind and heart thing was little lengthy.. or it could be sumthing more attractive..
    The para was fab nd lovely...

  3. Anybody who likes 'If Only' becomes my favorite!
    Wonderful piece of writing!
    A heart which has felt it, knows how beautiful it is!

  4. beutifully written!!! :)
    but u got to tell whom to listen to!! :)

  5. @Niki, I ll definitely try to improve. :)
    @Amit, Thank you so much :)
    @Aaroh,Thanks! And the answer to your quesn, it all depends on the situation in context. Here, its better in the long run to listen to Mind :) That is my viewpoint. Do tell me yours.

  6. This one is really my personal favorite. Seriously very well written.
