Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Life Is...Just Once...

You have got just one life.

Make sure you live it well…

Who knows…you may not be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Make sure you let the warm sunlight fill your heart with happiness today…

Who knows…it might not rain tomorrow.

Make sure you let those magical raindrops slide down your face today…

Who knows…it might be the last night tonight

Make sure you gaze at the stars and wonder at the magnificent universe tonight…

Who knows…you might not see your friends ever after today

Make sure you give them a warm hug and wishes…or call them up to say that you miss them…today…

Who knows…everything might change drastically tomorrow

Make sure you smile at a small kid playing carefree while going home today…

Who knows…life may turn upside down tomorrow

Make sure you don’t forget to say that you really love your special one today…

Who knows…there may not be a tune to hum tomorrow

Make sure you dance in front of the mirror and enjoy it today…however bad you may be at dancing…

Who knows…there may be nothing tomorrow

Make sure you live one of your sweetest dreams today…however strange it might have been…

Who knows…may be tomorrow might never come

Make sure you spread out your arms wide and say ‘I love myself’ loud and clear…

Who knows…the world may not be there tomorrow

Make sure you express your gratitude to the beautiful world in your prayers before going to sleep today…

Who knows…life may end tomorrow

Make sure you live it well…

Make sure you love it totally…

After all, life is but just once…


  1. awesome Post!Loved it and yes I Love You too ;):)

  2. Beautifully written and expressed....this will remain 1 of my favorites from all ur blogs due to d nice mix of positivity n negativity!! n yes I luv u 2!! :) :)

  3. @Radhe N feeling so glad to see your comments...:) :) :)
    Both of you,I love you loads..:D :D :D

  4. i am confused , this post is optimistic or pessimistic ?

  5. @RohanH, this post is summarized in its title..Life is Just has both the negative and positive sides.Death can strike any moment. So live every moment totally...that in itself also makes life more worthwhile...

  6. thats what everyone tries to do in a life .. but your post not convincing how to overcome , meaning your statement stands just because "who knows .... ". If you remove "Who knows ..." part and read it again , that would be definitely good gesture. :))

  7. I am just making sure that you write more and more so that i get more and more to read :)
    Good One again :)
